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Show Notes

On this episode of Cinema Verbi, Fr. Matt and Fr. Brian discuss what they consider one of the best films of last year, “The Holdovers.” They recognize the cast members’ performances and what they appreciate about this film set in a 1970s all-male boarding school. They unpack the theme of fatherhood found in the film and how it contains some truths that can be applied to our own relationships with God the Father. 

(00:30) Fr. Matt and Fr. Brian introduce the film they’ll discuss on this month’s episode, “The Holdovers” highlighting the critical acclaim it received in 2023. 

(03:04) They briefly discuss the plot and setting of the story. They talk about how the setting of boys in boarding school is reminiscent of their time as seminarians at Sacred Heart Major Seminary and some important context regarding the main characters. 

(17:51) After unpacking the plot and some characters’ experiences, they begin to identify some of the seeds of the Word found within this film. They discuss the way Paul’s atheism is presented in a religious context, juxtaposed with Mary’s faith. 

(20:06) They discuss the father-son dynamic, which is woven throughout the film, highlighting its connection to our Christian faith. They also discuss how the characters illustrate the importance of how the past can inform the way we live today. 

(23:05) They discuss the role that Scripture plays in our own understanding of who we are today and highlight the ways in which the New Testament fulfills what’s found in the Old Testament. 

(25:08) They talk about the tender moment of redemption found at the end of the story when Paul covers for Angus and is immediately dismissed from his job at the school. They unpack the significance of a moment that carries home the theme of fatherhood and the importance of looking to our fathers to understand who we are in his eyes. 

(30:45) They continue to unpack our relationship with God the Father and the importance of knowing our identity in his eyes in light of our Baptism. They also highlight the way this film depicts the beauty of tradition and the way tradition is passed down.

(32:56) They talk about Paul stealing the headmaster’s liquor, how many boarding schools existed in the United States in the 1970s, and the Oscar award the film received along with its various nominations. They each give their “seed” ranking for the movie and wrap up the episode.