Show Notes
Archbishop Vigneron joins hosts Mike Chamberland and Mary Wilkerson for the final episode of Eyes on Jesus. As he prepares to become Archbishop Emeritus, taking senior status and retiring from ministry as the chief shepherd of Detroit, Archbishop Vigneron reflects on the ups and downs of episcopal ministry, expresses his gratitude to all those who have served by his side in ministry, and looks ahead with great hope at the future of the Archdiocese of Detroit under Archbishop Edward J. Weisenburger’s pastoral leadership.
(0:22) Hosts Mike Chamberland and Mary Wilkerson greet Archbishop Vigneron, who is set to retire from ministry as Archbishop of Detroit upon the March 18 installation of his successor, Archbishop Edward J. Weisenburger. Before digging into this transition in the life of the archdiocese, our hosts take some time to talk about other important topics from the last month, including a new Lenten message to the faithful and our prayers for Pope Francis’ recovery from illness.
(6:14) Mary introduces the topic for today’s episode: reflecting on the episcopal ministry of Archbishop Vigneron as he enters life as “Archbishop Emeritus,” the honorific given to former archbishops who have retired from their leadership roles. Archbishop Vigneron shares about attending a recent “farewell Vespers” with many of his brother priests.
(8:35) Mary summarizes the “big news” of the past month: Pope Francis’ appointment of Archbishop Edward J. Weisenburger as the next Archbishop of Detroit. The announcement came around 16 months after Archbishop Vigneron submitted his resignation at age 75, as required by Church law. Mary asks Archbishop Vigneron what it was like to stay focused on ministry during this interim period, knowing he could be called into retirement at any time. He also recalls the moment he received word of Archbishop Weisenburger’s appointment.
(12:25) Archbishop Vigneron shares his impressions of Archbishop Weisenburger, including his congenial spirit and readiness to respond to whatever God asks of him. He then shares the focus of his prayers during this time of transition.
(17:01) Archbishop Vigneron reflects on the high points of his ministry, including Synod 16. He connects the success of Synod 16 with the foundation laid by Synod 69, led by Cardinal Dearden, during which the Archdiocese of Detroit “made a radical first effort” to implement the Second Vatican Council and establish a culture of lay involvement in the Church. He also reflects on some of the challenges of his ministry, including tackling the administrative tasks and navigating the reality of having “limited resources for an infinite mission.”
(24:04) Archbishop Vigneron shares his gratitude and words of encouragement for his brother priests and the laity who have served alongside him over the years. Our hosts then turn to Unleash the Gospel, the pastoral letter by Archbishop Vigneron that has become the roadmap for the Archdiocese of Detroit to become a Church on mission. Archbishop Vigneron invokes Blessed Solanus Casey in thanking God ahead of time for what the Holy Spirit will do in our midst under the leadership of Archbishop Weisenburger.
(30:40) Mike asks “what’s next” for Archbishop Vigneron, who is retiring as Archbishop of Detroit but will still be a priest and archbishop—now with senior status—serving the local Church in new ways. He is committed to assisting Archbishop Weisenburger in whatever ways he is needed, and also hopes to continue celebrating the sacraments, visiting parishes, and possibly teaching some classes at Sacred Heart Major Seminary. His new title, Emeritus Archbishop, signals that he is “still an integral part of the local Church.”
(35:40) Archbishop Vigneron offers his advice to Archbishop Weisenburger and reflects on the fulfillment of his motto: Aspicientes in Jesum, or “keeping our eyes fixed on Jesus.” He answers listener questions about the most interesting place he has celebrated Mass, the Church’s mission, and what he has learned during his ministry as Archbishop of Detroit.
(43:09) Mike and Mary look back on when they were first invited to host Eyes on Jesus and offer their gratitude to Archbishop Vigneron for agreeing to communicate with the faithful in this unique way. Archbishop Vigneron invites listeners to pray for Archbishop Weisenburger, as well as the clergy, religious, and faithful of the Diocese of Tucson as they await the appointment of Archbishop Weisenburger’s successor. He then closes our final episode with a blessing.