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Show Notes

Archbishop Vigneron joins cohost Mike Chamberland and special guest Kim Kerwin, theology teacher at St. Fabian Catholic School in Farmington Hills, to discuss the recent National Eucharistic Congress and ongoing National Eucharistic Revival. 

(0:21) Host Mike Chamberland greets Archbishop Vigneron and introduces our special guest for this episode, Kim Kerwin. Kim introduces herself and then Archbishop Vigneron shares a bit about his summer thus far. 

(3:04) Mike introduces the topic of the episode, the National Eucharistic Congress that took place July 17-21 in Indianapolis. Both Archbishop Vigneron and Kim attended. Archbishop Vigneron spends some time reviewing the purpose of the Congress and corresponding National Eucharistic Revival. 

(7:21) Kim shares about a powerful experience during the Congress of being at Eucharistic adoration with 50,000 people in reverent silence. Archbishop Vigneron notes that one grace of the Congress has been the “profound sense…that the church is alive in the United States.” They then share their personal highlights of attending the Congress, including a special Mass for pilgrims from the Archdiocese of Detroit and the conversations over meals with pilgrims from all over the country. 

(21:23) Archbishop Vigneron and Kim share how the Congress has inspired them in their ministry. This sparks a discussion on the nature of our relationship with the Eucharist: We not only receive this gift, but we also make a reciprocal offering of ourselves. Kim talks about the impact of sharing powerful witnesses of the Eucharist with her students. 

(32:07) Kim talks about the pleasant surprise of being quite disconnected from the world outside the Congress, even though the event took place in the middle of a major city. Archbishop Vigneron admits he did not expect to see such an emphasis on—and joy surrounding—the Sacrament of Reconciliation at the Congress. 

(35:57) The group discusses what happens next, now that the Congress has concluded. There is already talk about future Congresses, but Archbishop Vigneron highlights the more immediate commission to take the fruits of the Congress home to our parishes, families, and next-door neighbors. They offer some final thoughts about the blessings of technology, which had made the Congress available to all via videos and other resources online, and communion with thousands of attendees, which Archbishop Vigneron calls a “foretaste” of being at the eternal banquet one day in heaven. 

(39:14) Archbishop Vigneron answers listener questions about whether he ever imagined he’d become a bishop, where he likes to go on vacation, and his family’s support of his life of faith and priestly vocation. He concludes the episode with a prayer and blessing.