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Show Notes

The repeal of Roe v. Wade in 2022 resulted in increased protections against abortion in some states and, tragically, deregulation in others like Michigan. Amid so much change, the EOJ team is reflecting on what has not changed: our commitment to building a culture of life, in part by renewing efforts to accompany women and families facing difficult pregnancies.

0:28 – Archbishop Vigneron, Mike, and Mary greet each other and catch up on the past month.  

0:48 – Archbishop Vigneron talks about celebrating Mass at Sacred Heart Major Seminary on the Feast of the Immaculate Conception and delivering a lecture to seminarians on hope as exemplified in the Blessed Virgin Mary and how hope needs to be at the heart of a priest’s ministry. 

3:29 – Mary asks the Archbishop to share some thoughts about how Catholic families can observe Advent. Mike and Mary also share a little about observing Advent with their families. 

7:46 – Archbishop Vigneron talks about the Catholic Foundation of Michigan, through which donors recently gave $183,000 in grants to 34 projects in the Archdiocese of Detroit.  

10:20 – Mary introduces this month’s topic, building a culture of life, by asking the Archbishop why the Church is opposed to abortion and what we mean when we say we’re committed to building a culture of life.  

13:53 – Mike asks the Archbishop to provide a brief overview the Supreme Court’s Dobbs decision and the passage of Proposal 3 in Michigan.  

16:48 – Archbishop Vigneron shares suggestions for those who may be feeling discouraged in the wake of the passage of Proposal 3 and the expansion of abortion access in a number of other states.  

19:11 – Archbishop Vigneron speaks about the forgiveness and healing available through Christ for people whose lives have been impacted by abortion.  

21:42 – Mary asks the Archbishop how we can “continue to be that joyful missionary carrier of the Gospel of Life.” 

26:33 – Archbishop Vigneron offers some suggestions for those who wish to get involved in building a culture of life.  

27:08 – Mary asks the Archbishop how the faithful can draw inspiration from the Holy Family as we continue to work at being ambassadors for a culture of life. 

29:26 – Mary and the Archbishop reflect on the lessons we can take from the fact that God chose to come to us as a newborn infant.  

33:16 – Archbishop Vigneron answers listener questions about the challenges he faces in ministry, his hobbies, and how bishops become cardinals. 

39:04 – Archbishop Vigneron shares his prayer intentions for the month and closes the episode with a prayer and blessing.