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Unleash the Gospel Team

June 17, 2022

The Path of Discipleship 

Unleash the Gospel Team

Discover how a sacramental life, daily prayer and reading of Scripture, and growth in understanding the faith unlock the life…

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June 16, 2022

Why go to adoration? | WHY

Unleash the Gospel Team

Fr. Dave Tomaszycki explains why, explaining that Jesus’ presence in adoration has real effects on our lives, as we radiate…


June 3, 2022

Life in the Holy Spirit

Unleash the Gospel Team

Discover who the Holy Spirit is, how to develop a relationship with the Spirit, and how to allow that relationship…

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April 28, 2022

Why do we need faith AND reason? | WHY

Unleash the Gospel Team

Oftentimes the relationship between faith and reason is misunderstood. In this video, Fr. Dave Tomaszyki unpacks how these two realities…
