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How to Establish a Daily Prayer Routine | Simple Tips for Consistency

October 11, 2024

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Struggling to establish a daily prayer routine? Start with these simple yet powerful tips! In this video, Fr. Dave Tomaszycki explains the importance of morning and evening prayers and offers a unique method to help you remember to pray every day. Learn how a small rock can serve as a powerful reminder to begin and end your day with prayer. With practical guidance and heartfelt advice, this video helps you develop a consistent and meaningful prayer routine that deepens your relationship with God. Watch this video to discover how to make prayer a natural part of your daily life.


How do I establish a solid prayer life? What do I do? And how often do I do it?

Well, that’s going to depend a bit on your state in life.

Here’s a good rule of thumb: M.A.R.C. Mass, Adoration, Rosary, and Confession.

Mass. Come to Mass as often as you can. Yes, we must attend Mass every Sunday and every Holy Day of Obligation, but your typical parish has Mass every single day. Whenever we attend Mass, we step in to heaven.

Adoration. If you are high school age or older, do at least 10 minutes of adoration every day. Now, stopping to pray at a church in the real presence of Jesus is ideal, but obviously not everyone lives right next to a church. So, you can do adoration in your house, in silence, in front of a good crucifix.

Rosary. Start with one decade of the rosary a day. And then, over time, work your way up to an entire rosary every day. It only takes about 20 minutes to pray a whole rosary. I often pray mine while I’m driving. Hey, it’s safer than texting.

Confession. Go to confession every month. Now, sometimes we might need to go more, but go at least every month. Honestly, if we are not getting our sins wiped away often, all these other prayers cannot get in to have their effect.

M.A.R.C. Mass, Adoration, Rosary, and Confession. Try it! And you’ll see that it’s hard not to grow closer to God.

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