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How to Prepare for Mass | Steps for a More Meaningful Experience

September 13, 2024

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Looking to get more out of Mass? Start with how you prepare to participate! In this video, Fr. Dave Tomaszycki covers the importance of being in a state of grace, the benefits of arriving early, and the power of prayer. You will learn the value of reading Mass readings in advance and how to make a full offering of yourself during the service. With practical tips and insights, this video helps deepen worship and encourages full, active, and conscious participation in Mass.


How should I prepare for Mass?

First and foremost, make sure you are in the state of grace. That is, free from any mortal sins. There is only so much God can do when our relationship with him has been severed. If we are in mortal sin, run to confession. God is good and forgiving.

Next, it doesn’t hurt to read the readings in advance. The readings are available through many websites, apps, and publications. Praying through the readings will help to get your spirit ready, not just for the Mass, but for this Mass.

But one of the best things you can do to get your spirit ready for this Mass is just show up early, a good 15 minutes. Take in your surroundings. You will notice that our churches change their colors and decorations and flowers, and even their statues, depending on the season and the Mass being offered.

And of course, pray. You have stepped into God’s house. Speak with God. Ask him to assist you in collecting yourself, that you may make a full offering of yourself on the altar with Christ

Lastly, what or who should you offer this Mass for? Our prayers are often more powerful than we think. Link them up with the Holy sacrifice of the Mass and then live the Mass well, with full, active, and conscious participation

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