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How to Make a Good Examination of Conscience

August 9, 2024

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Struggling to remember all your sins before confession? In this video, we’ll guide you through the steps to make a thorough and heartfelt examination of conscience. Learn why it’s important to do it regularly and practical tips to ensure you don’t overlook any sins. Discover what happens when you turn your focus to Jesus after confession and find peace in His guidance. Fr. Dave provides a step-by-step process to make a more meaningful confession.


How do I make a good examination of conscience? What if I can’t remember all my sins?


The key to making a good examination of conscience is to do it often. We ought to take about 2 or 3 minutes to make an examination every night before we go to bed. And then, when we make our monthly confession, we should take a little more time to make a good examination in the presence of God.

Start with the sign of the cross, then ask the Holy Spirit for guidance. The Holy Spirit will come to our aid.

I find it helpful to march through the Ten Commandments.

First, I am the Lord your God, you shall not have strange Gods before me. Have I put anything above God? This is kind of a trick question. So basically, whenever I sin, I put something above God, so the answer is always yes, I have placed other things before the Lord.

Second, you shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain. Have I used God’s name in vain? Have I said the Lord’s name like a swear word or even just carelessly?

Third, remember to keep holy the Lord’s Day. Have I missed mass at all? If I was sick, that’s one thing. But if it’s for any other reason, it’s probably a mortal sin.

Fourth, honor your father and mother. Have I disrespected my parents or teachers or anyone who has legitimate authority over me?

Fifth, you shall not kill. This actually encompasses more than we think. Have I murdered? Had an abortion? Killed myself through drugs or drunkenness? Have I harmed someone else emotionally, verbally, or through manipulation? Have I killed someone else’s name through gossip or slander? Now, gossip does not have the same gravity as murder, but that’s under the same commandment.

Six, you shall not commit adultery. This is really any kind of sexual act outside of marriage.

Seven, you shall not steal. Have I taken or wasted time or resources that belonged to someone else?

Eight, you shall not bear false witness against your neighbor. Have I lied at all? Even white lies take me away from the truth, and the truth is Jesus.

The ninth and tenth Commandments sound a little funny.

Ninth is you shall not covet your neighbor’s spouse and number 10 is you shall not covet your neighbor’s goods.

Now, coveting is not so much jealousy. So, jealousy can be a good thing. Like if I look at a couple with a good marriage and say, “oh, I wish I had a good marriage.” Now, that’s a form of jealousy, but that’s all right, it’s good to want a good marriage.

Coveting is more about being envious. When we are envious, we kind of wish harm on our neighbor. I mean, we wish he didn’t have the good things that he has. And while we’re at it, we are forgetting to thank God for all the good things he has blessed us with.

Cardinal Ratzinger, years before he was Pope Benedict, encouraged priests to accuse themselves when they make their examination of conscience. To say, “well, I could be kinder, and I could be more patient” doesn’t actually admit to a sin. To say, “I accuse myself of being unkind, impatient, so on so forth” does.

When you make an examination of conscience, try to remember all your sins. Give it a good, honest effort. Our Lord will see your honesty.

After you have gone to confession, don’t browbeat yourself. One of the devil’s tricks is to get us focused on ourselves.

Instead, turn your eyes to Jesus. If there’s a buried sin and he wants it to come to the surface, he’ll take care of that. But don’t worry about digging for it yourself.

Just keep your eyes on the Lord.

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