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If you have stopped by Campus Martius in the last 730 days (give or take a few), you probably noticed the clock counting down to the 2024 NFL Draft, hosted by our very own city. As Draft weekend swiftly approaches and we prepare to welcome approximately 300,000 guests to Detroit, we thought we might offer some saintly suggestions for football fans to turn to during this exciting moment in the NFL. 

Whether you’re a die-hard Lions fan (#grit) or you cheer for another team, there’s a saint particularly suited to pray for and support you during this time of the year (and all year round, in fact). Without further ado, check out our comprehensive list of recommended patron saints for every team in the NFL:  


Buffalo Bills — Joshua
We’re kicking off our list with an Old Testament saint known for being the one who ultimately led God’s people into the Promised Land (after a long season of being stuck on the outside looking in). We know the Bills are always getting close to the win, but they seem to have trouble making it all the way to victory — maybe St. Joshua’s intercession will make things different this year. 

Miami Dolphins — St. Luke
As injuries unfortunately seem to plague this team, we thought a heavenly doctor’s prayers could be valuable. In addition to writing one of the four Gospel accounts, St. Luke was a doctor and might be able to come through in praying for the health of these players. 

New York Jets — Job
Another Old Testament saint makes our list: Job, who reminds us that God is with us through all things, even our moments of greatest despair. When he lost everything, he remained faithful, declaring, “The LORD gave and the LORD has taken away; blessed be the name of the LORD!” —Job 1:21. The Lord does give — in the form of Aaron Rodgers in 2023 — yet, as we have seen, the Lord does, indeed, take away. Through the intercession of this unrelenting saint, may all Jets fans, under all circumstances, declare, “Blessed be the name of the Lord!” 

New England Patriots — St. Augustine
The beauty of the saints is that many of them show us the goodness of new beginnings. For the New England Patriots, a fitting patron is St. Augustine — a wayward soul who found the Lord and had a radical conversion. As they find their new beginning, repenting of their past, in Augustine, they will find a powerful intercessor. 


Baltimore Ravens — St. Monica
Augustine wouldn’t be St. Augustine (see New England Patriots) if it weren’t for his mother, St. Monica. Carrying a similar spirit of evangelization and persistence, the Ravens head coach, John Harbaugh, is known for wearing his faith on his sleeve and sharing it with others. As they look ahead to the 2024-2025 season, we recommend turning to St. Monica as an intercessor for him and his evangelization efforts with the team. 

Cleveland Browns — St. Thomas
Some say St. Thomas’s reputation as “doubting Thomas” is unfair; some might say the Browns’ reputation as one of the NFL’s perennial underachievers is unfair. The question of fairness aside, we think these two go together. Although Thomas doubted, he saw the risen Christ; although the Browns may seem low achieving… you get the point. 

Pittsburgh Steelers — Mary Immaculate
Who doesn’t remember the famous ‘Immaculate Reception’ with Hall of Famer Franko Harris? Plus, Mary Immaculate is the patroness of Pittsburgh so Steelers fans can know she has their back.

Cincinnati Bengals – St. Michael the Archangel
With a real need for serious protection for Joe Burrow this year, we recommend the Cincinnati Bengals adopt St. Michael the Archangel as their intercessor. Michael is your guy for protection from the ultimate enemy, so why not seek his support on the football field, too? If he can defeat Satan, he can fend off Myles Garrett.


Houston Texans – St. Joan of Arc
This young team could use the intercession of a kindred spirit: a young soul who changed the course of history through her devotion and courage — just like C.J. Stroud. That’s why we’re recommending St. Joan of Arc for the Texans. 

Jacksonville Jaguars – Jesus
QB Trevor Lawrence’s hairstyle has been giving ‘Jesus’ since the day he was drafted.

Indianapolis Colts — St. Sebastian
We know that, technically, every team in the NFL is comprised of athletes. Still, we recognize, in a unique way, the awe-inspiring physical traits of quarterback Anthony Richardson. He ran the 40-yard dash in 4.43 seconds at 244 pounds, earning him the title of the most athletic quarterback in NFL Combine history. For that reason, we turn to the well-known patron of athletes, St. Sebastian. 

Tennessee Titans — Our Lady of Lourdes
Did you know Our Lady of Lourdes is the patron saint of Tennessee? Over 7,500 people have claimed miracles through her intercession — which might be the only way the rebuilding Titans make the playoffs this year.


Kansas City Chiefs — David
Let’s be honest: the reigning NFL champions wouldn’t be who they are without their quarterback. We’re all aware that Patrick Mahomes has had quite the career. In a way, it mirrors that of King David — called from a young age, victorious over sizable adversaries, and now must respond to the reality of being king (so to speak). Although David didn’t always manage things perfectly, he did model humility and reliance on God that might do the Chiefs some good. 

Las Vegas Raiders — St. Paul
The Raiders have shaken some of their bad reputation (in the form of their coaching staff and fan base), but when one turns away from bad, he or she must turn toward the good. In the same way that the murderous Saul turned away from his former life to follow God, becoming St. Paul, the Raiders ought to set their sights on the good they are called to in the 2024-2025 season. 

Denver Broncos — St. Matthew
We’re not trying to judge how people spend their money, but the word “reckless” comes to mind when we think of the Broncos — which is why we select St. Matthew, an accountant, as their patron saint. 

Los Angeles Chargers — St. Junipero Serra
When Michigan’s own Jim Harbaugh was called from here to coach this team on the West Coast, we were reminded of St. Junipero Serra, called from his homeland to minister to those who had not yet met Christ. For this reason, we recommend St. Junipero Serra as the patron for the Chargers. 


Dallas Cowboys — St. Peter
Jesus called St. Peter to be the rock on which he built His Church, but not because of his talent or skills. Whether Peter realized it or not, he was called to that role and then equipped for it. Similarly, the Cowboys might need a bit of equipping before fully stepping into the greatness that their fans desire. Therefore, St. Peter, pray for the Cowboys. 

Philadelphia Eagles — St. Katharine Drexel
Who better to pray for the Eagles than their hometown patroness herself, Katharine Drexel? This foundress of the Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament is already dedicated to interceding on behalf of the city of brotherly love, so we’re sure the Eagles can count on her prayers, too. 

New York Giants — St. Frances Cabrini
Speaking of hometown heroes, St. Frances Cabrini is an intercessor that New York fans can count on. Not only did she found several orphanages, schools, and hospitals in New York, she was ultimately laid to rest in Upper Manhattan.

Washington Commanders — St. Kateri Tekakwitha
We commend Washington for ditching their “Redskins” name in 2020. But for further reconciliation with Native Americans, we entrust them to St. Kateri Tekakwitha, the first Native American woman of North America to be canonized.


Detroit Lions — Bl. Solanus Casey
I mean… if we need to explain, are you even a real fan? (We kid!)

Not only is Solanus Casey a hometown holy homie for Detroit fans, but his life is also a reminder of the slow, steady work of God. This year, Lions fans can turn to his intercession as they count on another playoff run and set their sights on the Super Bowl.

Green Bay Packers — St. Valentine
Jordan Love, St. Valentine… need we say more? 

Minnesota Vikings — St. Olaf
Who better to pray for the newly Kirk Cousins-less Vikings than St. Olaf, the patron of real Vikings? 

Chicago Bears — St. Ignatius of Loyola
The Bears find themselves in the midst of a discernment period — who were the Bears of the past? Who are they now? Who will be their quarterback in the future? The best saint to support them through this season is St. Ignatius of Loyola, whom we have to thank for principles of discernment that have guided the faithful for centuries. 


Tampa Bay Buccaneers — St. Teresa of Calcutta
We’re not saying that the Buccaneers don’t have valuable assets on their team, but we are saying that God can do a lot when we let Him work with our poverty. St. Teresa of Calcutta lived a life of radical poverty, which allowed the Lord to work in her life in incredible ways. So this season, the Buccaneers can turn to her intercession, asking that He would do the same for them.

New Orleans Saints — All you holy men and women…
…pray for us! We guess you sort of get to claim them all if your team is called the “Saints.” 

Atlanta Falcons — St. Joseph of Cupertino
If your team is named for a winged creature, it’s only right that you should soar! That’s why we recommend St. Joseph of Cupertino, a simple saint known not for his talent or skill but for his deep devotion, which ultimately led to levitation during times of prayer. 

Carolina Panthers — St. Jude
St. Jude is the patron saint of hopeless causes. St. Jude, pray for the Carolina Panthers.  


San Francisco 49ers — St. André Bessette
Mr. Irrelevant. While Brock Purdy went from this title to a household name in northern California, Brother André Bessette did the same in Montreal. Originally assigned to be a doorkeeper, he became known as the “Miracle Man of Montreal,” and over one million people attended his funeral. 

Los Angeles Rams — Abraham
This Old Testament saint might just be the missing piece to this California team’s efforts. Abraham shows us how, even when we are called to make great sacrifices (ahem… Isaac), we can still trust in God.

Seattle Seahawks — Noah
Due to the amount of precipitation experienced in their city, we encourage Seahawks fans to turn to Noah as a patron for their team. Bonus: Noah is probably the only person who has actually ever seen a seahawk since the theory is that this is one of the animals (along with unicorns and centaurs) that just missed the boarding time for the ark before the flood.

Arizona Cardinals — St. Rita
Another patron of impossible causes, St. Rita is a good one for Cardinals fans to turn to during the draft and throughout the season. She lived a life of great love for God, both throughout her marriage and as an Augustinian nun after her husband died.