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St. Josemaria Escriva on the Sacred Heart of Jesus | HOMILY

April 12, 2021

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“When Holy Scripture refers to the heart, it does not refer to some fleeting sentiment of joy or tears.” Reflect on the words of St. JosemarĂ­a Escrivá and the deep scriptural foundation upon which the Church bases her devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.


Let us realize all the richness hidden in the words, “the Sacred Heart of Jesus.” In order to help us understand divine things, Scripture uses the expression “heart” in its full human meaning: as the summary and source, expression and ultimate basis of one’s thoughts, words, and actions. A man is worth what his heart is worth. To the heart belongs joy: “Let my heart rejoice in your saving help.” Repentance: “My heart is like wax, it is melted in my breast.” Praise of God: “My heart overflows with a goodly theme.” The decision to listen to the Lord: “My heart is ready, Lord.” Loving vigilance: “I slept, but my heart was awake.” And also doubt and fear: “Let not your hearts be troubled. Believe in me.” Our Lord reproaches the scribes: “Why do you think evil in your hearts?” When Holy Scripture refers to the heart, it does not refer to some fleeting sentiment of joy or tears. By “heart” it means the personality by which it directs its whole being, soul and body, to what it considers its good. As Jesus himself indicated, “For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.” So when we recommend devotion to the Sacred Heart we are recommending that we should give our whole self to Jesus: our soul, our feelings and thoughts, our words and actions, our joys. This is what true devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus means.

This video was posted in Homily.