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Church of the Holy Family in Novi was founded in 1974 to serve its rapidly growing community which is now made up of over 3,300 households. The parish truly feels like a family, with Christ at the center of their communal life. There is a strong Hispanic community in the area, and as it grew, the group Seguidoras de Cristo e Hijas de Maria (Followers of Christ and Daughters of Mary) was founded in 1995 to address the spiritual needs of Hispanic women. In October 2007, the group was officially recognized by the Archdiocese of Detroit as the Hispanic Ministry in Holy Family Parish. Spanish Bible classes are held at the church every Friday morning since 1999. In 2004, the group began organizing a monthly Spanish Mass, and since 2007, Mass has been celebrated in Spanish weekly on Saturdays at 6:30 p.m.

Rev. Clifford Hennings mingles with parishioners after Sunday Mass.

The Sunday morning congregation stands in reverence as Mass begins.

During the homily, Rev. Clifford Hennings spoke about the importance of not carrying more than we can handle during the Lenten season. To explain, he told a childhood story about a camping trip. His camp guide made him leave behind most of the items he wanted to bring. He soon became thankful for his guide’s knowledge because the little he was allowed to bring quickly weighed on him and his bag became almost too heavy to carry. He compared this to our experience during Lent. We are each on a journey, especially during Lent and we need someone to guide us on that journey; someone who knows the way; someone who isthe way. God is able to carry what we cannot.

Associate Pastor Rev. Clifford Hennings consecrates the Eucharist during Mass on Sunday morning.

Alpha attendees discuss the themes of the talks, sharing and hearing each other’s perspectives.

Parishioners gather for food, videos and discussion during Alpha, a series of sessions exploring the Christian faith. Each session includes several talks that address questions about faith followed by thoughtful conversations.

Families of all ages gather for the well-attended Stations of the Cross. Parishioners experience the feeling of truly being a family with Christ at the center of their communal life.

Father Bob LaCroix leads a Friday night stations of the cross which is offered in person and online in both English and Spanish.

The crucifix that hangs above the altar, placed at the forefront of the congregation that surrounds it in a semi-circle formation. This echoes the sentiment that all who enter the church are welcome and respected.