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What is the Sacrament of Matrimony? | WHY with Fr. Dave Tomaszycki

February 9, 2021

The Sacrament of Marriage | WHY with Fr. Dave Tomaszycki

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What is the purpose of marriage? How can spouses help each other and their children in their journeys to heaven?

Fr. Dave Tomaszycki offers practical spiritual advice. Watch now!


So a marriage is radical and really all sacraments are radical. They’re counter-cultural. The sacrament of marriage is a sacrament of service, the sacrament of service, because the person’s trying to get his or her spouse to heaven and their children to heaven. And there’s always a lot to work on. Sometimes there might be a lot to work through, we’re very broken people, so I encourage people, anything you bring us, we can help you with. Anything you don’t bring us, we can’t help you with.
So outside of the actual preparation that you do in the church, I would advise couples to pray together. That’s absolutely huge. Pray together, go to mass together, help each other with chastity. That’s huge. And also encourage each other to get to confession, and don’t just encourage like, “Hey, you got to go to confession.” That doesn’t sound good, but actually it’s like, “Hey, I’m going to confession. Would you like to go with me?” Encourage each other to go to confession. And one last point, learn how to pray together. It can be awkward at first, that’s okay. Learn how to pray together because in marriage, your souls are being united and then through prayer, your souls are being united with God.


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