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On September 9 the Church celebrates the feast day of St. Peter Claver, patron saint of African Americans, African Missions, Colombia and Interracial Justice. This year, the USCCB Committee of Racism has asked all of the bishops to participate in prayer and penance for the end of the scourge of racial injustice we have witnessed this summer, and for an end to the sin of racism.

We know that racism is a sin. But what can we do about it? What is our response as followers of Christ?

First, we need to learn more about what it looks like to talk about racism as a Catholic. Then, the first action step to take is prayer.

Archbishop Vigneron is inviting joyful missionary disciples in the Archdiocese of Detroit to find a way to participate in the day of prayer on September 9.

Prayer is an essential step that each of us must take to begin eradicating racism from our own hearts and from our community. Without prayer, efforts to end racism may not take root, because healing from racism ultimately depends on a conversion of heart.

This year, for the feast of St. Peter Claver, there are a number of pastors who are willing to offer a special Mass and time of adoration for healing the sin of racism in our communities.

We invite the community of joyful missionary disciples to come together and begin the healing process — the conversion of heart. And to ask the Holy Spirit to give us the Apostolic Boldness we are going to need to evangelize our communities with the healing message of the Gospel.

Here are a few options for praying as a community on September 9 of missionary disciples, and starting a movement of healing from racism in southeast Michigan:


6:30am Shrine of the Little Flower, Royal Oak

7:30am St. Mary of Redford, Detroit

8:30am Shrine of the Little Flower, Royal Oak

9:00am Ss. Augustine and Monica, Detroit

12:00pm St. Damien of Molokai, Pontiac (St. Vincent de Paul site)

12:10pm St. Mary, Royal Oak

12:15pm St. Aloysius, Detroit

5:30pm Our Lady of the Rosary, Detroit (Bp. Battersby presiding and preaching)

6:00pm Corpus Christi, Detroit (Archbishop Vigneron presiding and preaching)



6:30am-7:30am St. Mary of Redford, Detroit

8:00am-9:00am Ss. Augustine and Monica, Detroit

11:00am-12:00pm St. Aloysius, Detroit

6:00pm-7:00pm Our Lady of the Rosary, Detroit

8:00pm-9:00pm Ss. Augustine and Monica, Detroit


Please be aware that due to COVID-19 restrictions on public gathering sizes, you may need to register in advance of attending any of these services. Refer to the parish’s website for specific attendance instruction.


Ready to learn more? Read about the Church’s response to racism.