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Docility to the Holy Spirit | Good Habits of a Disciple

July 23, 2020

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God has plans for our lives that we might not understand. He sees the big picture, when we can only see today. As we continue our missionary transformation in the Archdiocese of Detroit, we pray that God will send his Spirit and give us the grace to allow ourselves to be led by him. Come Holy Spirit, change our hearts and give us a radical openness to God’s plan for our lives and our Church. Free us from a status quo mentality, so we may follow where Christ leads and that we all we do may be for God’s greater glory.


Throughout Acts, it is evident that the Holy Spirit is the initiator, guide, and driving force of the Church’s evangelizing mission. So today, the New Evangelization can only be carried out through a radical openness to the leading of the Spirit, preceding every initiative with prayer for his guidance, constantly allowing ourselves to be led by him, and obeying his promptings and inspirations. The Holy Spirit inspires all Christ’s disciples, fortifying them with the insight, strength, and graces needed to witness. Do you let God lead you in everything, following his promptings with a humble and obedient heart?

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