Encounter: Physical Labor of Love
Just as St. Isidore used his hours farming each day as his time for prayer, find a way to connect with God the physical tasks you have to do today. Prepare your heart to encounter God during the mundane tasks of the day such as laundry, dishes, yardwork, etc. While doing these tasks, talk to God about what is on your heart and take time to listen to his response.
As a Family:
Grow: Create a Family Litany of the Saints
Even when we cannot connect with our parish family, we can still call on our spiritual family! Create a family litany of the saints and reflect on how these particular saints have inspired and interceded for your family. This personalized litany calls on the saints that have a connection with your family. Write down saints’ names that are associated with your family members’ names and their confirmation names, then explore saints associated with any specific family devotions, charisms, and occupations. You may also add a saint who is a patron for a specific situation in your family or a specific hobby such as sports, dance, music, cooking, etc. Once you have written your litany, pray it together. Have one person read the saint (ex/ St. Joseph) while everyone else responds “pray for us.” End the prayer with “All you holy men and women, pray for us. Amen.” Call your relatives to have them participate in the litany with you!
As a Couple:
Witness: Read to Your Spouse
Take some time today to connect with your spouse through reading. As a couple, read aloud to each other. You may read your favorite Bible passage, a favorite part of a book, a letter you have written your spouse before, or something that makes you think of him or her. Additionally, join the webinar series Praying as a Couple, which begins May 7th.
As a Church:
Worshipping from Home on Sunday, May 10: Pray the Magnificat before viewing Mass
On this Mother’s Day, pray the Magnificat to honor our Blessed Mother. Recite it as a family, or sing along online with a musical version. Don’t forget to tune in for the online Children’s Mass at 12:30pm today.