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The prospect of embarking on Holy Week and Easter celebrations at home might seem intimidating, but, as Archbishop Vigneron has reminded us, now is the hour of the domestic Church! Do not be afraid of this opportunity to become a steward of formation for your family. Sharing in celebration of the Paschal mystery right in your own home — and being leaders of that celebration — is a wonderful way to teach children the faith and to act as an example of the prayerfulness we want to inspire in them.

Parents are key in the spiritual fulfillment of their children’s lives, so we have prepared a guide for preparing and celebrating a creative and reverent Holy Week at home. In addition to watching the livestreams of all Holy Week services celebrated at the Cathedral of the Most Blessed Sacrament, refer to this guide for activities and reflections that will engage your whole family. In exploring these ideas, you may even be laying the foundation today for some of your family’s Easter traditions in years to come!

The activities included in this guide are creative, enjoyable and liturgically founded, and they also provide the opportunity for parents to explain the significance of many of the rituals and symbols we encounter during the Triduum. Download the Holy Week Family Guide to prayerfully prepare for an intentional, educational and spiritual celebration of Jesus’ death and resurrection.

Download Holy Week Family Guide