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With more and more places around the country (and the world) moving from a casual “social distancing” to a much more serious “shelter at home” order, it’s fair to say that we are living in crisis. Getting through the next few weeks is going to be challenging in many ways, but worth it to save lives.

We pulled together some of our favorite resources to support your mental, spiritual and physical health while social distancing. Have more to add to this list? Share them with us on social media @UTGDetroit.


How To Thrive in Isolation, From a Cancer Survivor by Grotto Network

Saints in Your Corner If You Have Anxiety by Grotto Network

Building Family Bonds during COVID-19 by For Your Marriage

Practical Peace: 30 Days to Calm in Times of Uncertainty by Julia Hogan, LCPC

Tips to Survive Social Distancing for Extroverts and Introverts by Unleash The Gospel


Proper Handwashing (with the Memorare) by Unleash The Gospel

Exercise for Mind, Body, Soul by SoulCore

Healthy Soup Recipes by One Hail Mary At A Time

How to Protect Yourself from Coronavirus by CDC


10 Guideposts for Christians in the Time of the Coronavirus Pandemic by Archbishop Vigneron

Ideas for Viewing Mass at Home by Unleash The Gospel

Daily Rosary Live on Instagram by Many Hail Marys At A Time

Contemplation in Quarantine by The Jesuit Post

The Mass Is Still With Us Even Under Quarantine by Church Life Journal

Resources for Prayer and Engagement During Coronavirus by USCCB