Dr. Daniel Greene is a Michigan native and proud Spartan, having graduated from Michigan State University with a bachelor of science degree in 1987 and a medical degree from the MSU College of Human Medicine in 1991. He completed his residency training at Oakwood Hospital in Dearborn before moving to Rochester to begin medical practice at Ascension Providence Rochester Hospital. Dr. Greene is board-certified and a Fellow of the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology.
His medical practice involves the entire spectrum of women’s healthcare in obstetrics and gynecology with special interest in natural family planning/fertility awareness-based methods (NFP/FABM). These methods provide excellent insights into the health and well-being of women. NFP/FABM is a wonderful method for achieving or postponing pregnancy based upon prayerful discernment and present medical situation.
While currently serving as chief of the Obstetrics and Gynecology Department at Ascension Providence Rochester (APR), Dr. Greene also serves on APR’s Ethics Integration Committee. Dr. Greene earned his certification in healthcare ethics from the National Catholic Bioethics Center in Philadelphia.
Dr. Greene loves the state of Michigan and is married to the love of his life, Elizabeth. They have been blessed with four wonderful sons, as well as a lively dog. In his spare time, he enjoys spending time with his family, physical fitness, running, hiking, travel, music and reading.
“I consider the vocation of physician to be a sacred trust and great privilege and am thankful for the opportunity to help women and their families during the most important moments of their lives.” — Dr. Daniel Greene
What was the last book you read?
I’m usually caught up in reading multiple books at a time but most recently completed C.S. Lewis’ “The Weight of Glory” and Meb Keflezighi’s “26 Marathons.”
What is your biggest fear?
My greatest fear is poor health. I wish to be present to my family and productive in my work to the very best of my ability.
What is your biggest pet peeve?
Rudeness. It usually just takes so little effort to be kind in our daily interactions, and kindness changes everything.
Whom do you admire?
St. John Paul II, the pope of my formative years and such an incredible inspiration. His writings are so rich in faith and love.
If you had unlimited resources, what would you do?
If I had unlimited resources, I would love to be able to make certain that no one was hungry or homeless.
What is your favorite feast day?
The Immaculate Conception. The day God gave us the perfect mother, and the rest is history.
What is your best quality?
After weeding through my many faults, I would identify my best quality as my willingness to really listen to others and to be there for people when they need me.
What is the biggest risk you’ve taken?
The biggest risk professionally was changing my practice to an NFP-only Ob/Gyn practice many years ago. At that time, I thought the practice would diminish drastically, but God blessed the decision with innumerable wonderful patients and families and a practice that flourished. My greatest personal risk was skydiving (only once!), which retrospectively was a much greater risk than I appreciated at the time!
What is your earliest memory?
Strangely, my earliest memory is pretending to sleep during naptime as a toddler. The babysitter was on to my ruse, however.
What virtue do you most admire in others?
Fortitude. It allows one to stand fast and fight for what’s right even in the face of difficulty. It draws us closer to God.
What gives you the most happiness?
My family provides me the greatest happiness. Professionally, my greatest happiness emanates from the privilege of being an obstetrician. A husband and wife joining together in cooperation with God to create a new human life with a soul that will be able to remain in union with God and praise him eternally is an almost unimaginable event. To be privileged to assist these families is an indescribable joy for me.
What’s the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning?
Prayer, then coffee, then exercise! Good things come in threes, right?
What talent or skill do you wish you had?
I would love to be proficient at playing the piano.
What are you most proud of?
This sounds redundant, but I am so very proud of my entire family: parents, wife, sons, brothers, godchildren, in-laws — all of them. They are by far the greatest gift given to me by God, and I am so proud of all of them.
What is your vision of heaven?
I envision heaven as being with God and worshipping him in a sense of complete peace, joy and love. I admit, however, an attachment to my childhood version of God as a white-bearded king literally sitting on a throne! That always made sense to me.
What was your first job?
Outdoor cleaning and maintenance at my mother’s office building. My parents endeavored to instill in me the virtue and value of work.
What is your most cherished possession?
Family heirlooms that connect us with loved ones past. Our family passed on to us a 1931 Nine Tube Elliott grandfather clock that we just love and cherish.
What is your favorite hobby or pastime?
Running! Quiet time for physical activity is so important. Running has been an excellent challenge at times but also one of my greatest therapies physically, mentally and spiritually.
What do you value the most in your friends?
Integrity. The honesty, consistency and moral uprightness of those closest to us is foundational for healthy relationships.
Who is your favorite author?
C.S. Lewis — so many great works.
Who is your fictional hero?
Gandalf from JRR Tolkien’s “Lord of the Rings” trilogy. He exhibits such great virtue.
Which saint do you turn to for intercession the most?
The Blessed Virgin Mary, by far!
How do you define a “Missionary Disciple”?
To me, being a missionary disciple in today’s world is living the Gospel in each moment and in so doing, evangelizing in everyday interactions with others.
What keeps you up at night?
Our country seems to be mired more and more in negativity and polarization. We can do better. We all have common ground on which to build together and make our country, the world and the church better places.
How do you want to be remembered when you die?
If I can be remembered as a faithful and loving husband and father and a good steward of the blessing of my medical career, that is all I desire.
What is your life motto or mantra?
“All for.” At the Apostolate for Family Consecration, this stands for “All for the Sacred and Eucharistic Heart of Jesus, all through the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary, all in union with St. Joseph.” Saying “All for” reminds me throughout the day of my consecration to Jesus through Mary and focuses my attention on what God wants for me in the present moment.
What makes you laugh?
Laughter and a silly sense of humor is a constant in our home, but I must admit that comedian Brian Regan really makes me laugh.
How do you define success?
The ultimate success is to hear “well done, my good and faithful servant” and to be welcomed in to heaven. “Success” here on earth that leads to that outcome is how I would define success, so everything I do has its origin in that principle. Matthew’s Gospel says it all: Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength. And love your neighbor as yourself.