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We asked individuals across the Archdiocese of Detroit, “Who do you look to as a model of humility?”

Diane Griffith, Christ the King Parish, Detroit

Father Thomas Lumpkin of Manna Meals, Day House, the prison system and the Catholic Worker house. His longstanding commitment to Detroit, to the poor and to the Church is to be commended. He works hard and does 110 percent at everything. I only know him by reputation … but everything he does is done with God’s love for his people.”

Cheryl Burtch, St. Rita Parish, Holly

“The office manager at the St. Rita rectory in Holly: Nicole Hagle. She is who I look to for positive direction. This woman is the very heart of our church. She is the glue that holds it together. She handles everything. I mean everything! She never loses her great sense of positivity. No matter how overwhelming things are, she handles it. She also knows how to delegate and share the burdens with those of us who are more than willing to jump in and help. She is a great source of strength.”

Kristen Studebaker, Our Lady of Good Counsel Parish, Plymouth

Initially, after converting to Catholicism, my role model for humility became our Blessed Mother, Mary. Her obedience canceled out Eve’s disobedience. I also look to the brothers and sisters of my parish, who demonstrate this obedience every day in responding to the will of God. They lead people to Christ, just as our Blessed Mother does.”

Joe Rutkowski, Our Lady of the Scapular Parish, Wyandotte

Jesus! He is the true man. It has taken many years for me to realize that, but he fulfills every desire in me. He is not just “humble” but humility itself. Truth incarnate. He shows us who we are and asks us to follow him. Saying yes to him in everything is humility.”

Roger Thomas, St. Mary Parish, Port Huron

There are many great and humble saints in history, but one who has always inspired me has been St. John the Baptist. His complete commitment to his mission, his deflection of all acclaim and attention, his unwavering pointing to the One who would come after, all indicate a profound humility. His clear acclamation — “He must increase; I must decrease” — is the model for Christian discipleship. By accepting even imprisonment at the word of a tyrant and martyrdom at the whim of a prostitute, he trusted God to vindicate him — which he did.”

Peggy Schoenrock, St. Christopher Parish, Marysville

My brother John. He is kind and generous and works behind the scenes to help people with their problems and asks nothing in return. He has set a wonderful example of humility and is often praised by those he has helped.”

Sara V. Wawrzyniak, St. Christopher Parish, Marysville

Jesus. He sets himself aside. He ignores his personal wishes because he loves the common person and wants to do good works. He never thinks of himself as a lord; instead, Jesus humbles himself to all.”