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WHY Video Series with Fr. Mario: Adoration

May 29, 2019

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Adoration: When is the last time you went to adoration? How are you going to spend your next holy hour? Fr. Mario Amore offers a few things to consider before going into adoration. “Why are we coming to adoration in the first place? To have a true encounter with God. Our hearts need to be open.”


As we approach Adoration, it’s always in a posture of humility. So it’s always bringing ourselves before the Lord, in the good times and the bad times of our day, in the good times and bad times of the year, and our life as well. And I just like to think of it as just coming before the Lord and bringing him all of who I am for that day, you know, what I’m thinking about, what’s worrying me, what I’m thankful for, and what gives me joy, and sharing that with the Lord. I don’t think that it’s wrong for priests to pray some of their breviary, or pray the rosary, or, you know, the Chaplet of Divine Mercy, but what I would caution people is that we don’t want to just fill the whole time with, you know, different prayers that we think we have to get through, and if we say these prayers it means we would have had a great holy hour. Well, that’s not it. Why are we coming to Adoration in the first place? To have a true encounter with God. Our heart needs to be open, and we need to be free from distraction, which, at times, if we’re just kind of going through a check box, those prayers can be for us. The devil’s going to try to distract us during those times to think about what we had for lunch and what we’re doing after, but knowing where we’re at right now, today, as I come before the Lord, that directs our thoughts, and that directs our prayer, and that directs, kind of, how we’re listening to God in that silence. You want to be sure that you’re leaving time just for silence. You know, just for quiet. And just being quiet and seeing how the Lord wants to speak to you — that’s what it’s all about.

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